Langues vivantes

Taking Action Again Book Banning | An exhibition by the Term AMC

Par Administration Lycée Docteur Charles Mérieux, publié le mardi 25 juin 2024 11:19 - Mis à jour le mardi 25 juin 2024 11:19
Présentation, affiches, poème et court-métrage — Visit it une the CDR !

Dans le cadre du cours de spécialité Anglais Monde Contemporain, les élèves de Terminale — accompagnés par Madame LARMARAUD — ont conçu une exposition présentée au Centre de Ressources pour réagir au phénomène du Book Banning

Retrouvez ci-dessous quelques-uns des travaux exposés — et rendez-vous au CDR !

  • Des affiches de : 
    • Aymeric, Wassim, Diogo et Gabin
    • Farah, Lamia, Jade et Till
    • Ikram et Victoria
    • Nell, Ilona et Mae
    • Nicole, Thérèse, Maelys et Gracia


    Book Banning | Worldless world, a short film

    Project Note : 

    Do you remember censorship with authoritarian regimes? Or maybe you'll remember the book burnings during World War II in Nazi Germany.

    Today, we go back in those painful times. In modern society, over 3,300 books have been banned from schools, universities and even some libraries in one year. In 2023, more than 4,200 books were at risk of being censored.

    These books are censored because of the subject which they deal with. Indeed, every books that had been banned were about racism, sexism and lgbtq+ community. For example, the novel written by Toni Morisson entitled The Bluest Eye and published on 1970. This author received a Nobel Price in Literature in 1993 for all of her books. An author with this level of reward should be read by children, students and everyone else. We can’t imagine to live in a democracy in which it is forbidden to read and to cultivate ourselves.

    The most affected state is Texas, in which there are around 400 and 500 books that have been banned last year.


    In this short-film we wanted to show how terrible the world could be if all books were censored. Reading is a way for every single person of us to develop a knowledge that will influences our personality, way of thinking, and way of viewing the world. It allows us to improve our imagination and creativity.

    A world in which we can’t choose our books can just destroy all of our individuality. The world loses its colors and intensity. Moreover, it’s not just our imagination that is in danger. Books are also a way of inform us about complexe subjects in order to increase our critical thinking. If we're not educated, then we can't think correctly by ourselves about a precise subject. It is a tactic often used by authoritarian regimes to controle easily their peoples.

    We have to react and fight back against these scandalous censorships. We can’t let them choose for us what we should read or not. We have to stand up, and spread awareness about this subject. Maybe we could hope to prevent history from repeating itself.

    Book Banning | Presentation

    Book Banning | A poem

    Book Banning |Posters